borrowed from
1. labba walk; tread; stroll; hike; pad; gang; foot it;
2. ganga upp work; work out; do (það gengur ekki: that won't do);
3. um smitsjúkdóma go around (er flensa að ganga?: is there a flu going around?);
4. um árangur do (hvernig gekk þeim?: how did they do?); go (framleiðslan gengur vel: production is going fine); get along; fare;
5. vera í gangi operate; run;
6. um klukku advance;
fara gangandi um: hike;
veikindi ganga að: ail, be wrong with;
ganga af göflunum: go crazy, rampage;
ganga aftur til liðs við: rejoin;
ganga á: deplete, draw on, encroach on (eða upon);
ganga á bak orða sinna: renege;
ganga á milli: intercede, interpose between;
ganga á mis: fault;
ganga á rétt einhvers: infringe on somebody (eða upon somebody);
ganga á víxl: crisscross;
ganga álútur: slouch;
ganga berserksgang: go berserk;
ganga ekki á einhverju: keep off something;
ganga fram af: appall, knock out, scandalise, shock;
ganga fram úr: jut;
ganga framhjá: pass over;
ganga frá: dispatch, do for, do up, exhaust, finalise, finalize, put away, put down, round off, (meiða) (UK) do over;
ljúka ganga frá: close (ganga frá sölu: close a sale);
ganga frá einhverjum: break somebody down;
ganga fylktu liði: parade;
miða ganga fyrir sig: come along (verkið gengur vel fyrir sig: the work is coming along fine);
virka ganga fyrir sig: work;
vera knúinn ganga fyrir einhverju: run off something, run on something, be driven by something (ganga fyrir rafhlöðu: be driven by a battery);
ganga gegn: defy;
ganga gæsagang: goosestep;
ganga hart eftir: stick out for;
ganga í: enter for, join;
ganga í (eða á) milli: intervene;
ganga í bylgjum: fluctuate, undulate;
ganga í garð: set in, (UK) come in;
ganga í her: enlist, join up;
ganga í hópgöngu: process;
ganga í hraðmarsi: double-time;
ganga í hröðum takti: double-quick;
ganga í hægðum sínum: saunter;
ganga í kringum: circumambulate;
ganga í röð: file;
ganga inn: stave in;
ganga klunnalega: clump;
ganga mann fram af manni: pass down, come down to;
ganga með: come along (hvernig gengur með það: how is it coming along);
ganga með skellum: chug;
ganga niður úr: scuff;
ganga nær: walk up;
ganga nærri: impoverish;
ganga of langt: get carried away, step out of line, overshoot;
ganga saman: telescope;
ganga sér til skemmtunar: promenade;
ganga svo langt: get to the point;
ganga til: pass to;
ganga til liðs við: team up with;
ganga tryggilega frá: secure;
ganga um: ambulate, perambulate;
ganga um gólf: pace, pace up and down;
standast ganga upp: make sense, add up, compute;
blessast ganga upp: work out;
labba upp ganga upp: mount, walk up;
ganga úr: secede;
ganga úr sér: stale;
ganga úr skugga um: ascertain, make sure, ensure, establish;
ganga út frá: presume, postulate, presuppose;
ganga vel: be successful;
ganga við hliðina á: flank;
ganga yfir: blow over, pass off;
ganga yfir á rauðu ljósi: jaywalk;
ganga þvert á: cut across;
gengin í: past (tuttugu mínútur gengin í fimm: twenty minutes past four);
knýja láta eitthvað ganga fyrir einhverju: run something off something, run something on something;
láta eitthvað yfir sig ganga: suffer through something;
láta ganga upp: realize;
maður á göngu: stroller;
úr sér genginn: antiquated, threadbare, timeworn, worm-eaten;
þar sem gengur á ýmsu: rocky
7. walk; walking; perambulation; march;
8. íþróttir race walking;
9. fiskifr. run;
hefja göngu sína: be launched;
þátttakandi í göngu: marcher
2. ganga upp work; work out; do (það gengur ekki: that won't do);
3. um smitsjúkdóma go around (er flensa að ganga?: is there a flu going around?);
4. um árangur do (hvernig gekk þeim?: how did they do?); go (framleiðslan gengur vel: production is going fine); get along; fare;
5. vera í gangi operate; run;
6. um klukku advance;
fara gangandi um: hike;
veikindi ganga að: ail, be wrong with;
ganga af göflunum: go crazy, rampage;
ganga aftur til liðs við: rejoin;
ganga á: deplete, draw on, encroach on (eða upon);
ganga á bak orða sinna: renege;
ganga á milli: intercede, interpose between;
ganga á mis: fault;
ganga á rétt einhvers: infringe on somebody (eða upon somebody);
ganga á víxl: crisscross;
ganga álútur: slouch;
ganga berserksgang: go berserk;
ganga ekki á einhverju: keep off something;
ganga fram af: appall, knock out, scandalise, shock;
ganga fram úr: jut;
ganga framhjá: pass over;
ganga frá: dispatch, do for, do up, exhaust, finalise, finalize, put away, put down, round off, (meiða) (UK) do over;
ljúka ganga frá: close (ganga frá sölu: close a sale);
ganga frá einhverjum: break somebody down;
ganga fylktu liði: parade;
miða ganga fyrir sig: come along (verkið gengur vel fyrir sig: the work is coming along fine);
virka ganga fyrir sig: work;
vera knúinn ganga fyrir einhverju: run off something, run on something, be driven by something (ganga fyrir rafhlöðu: be driven by a battery);
ganga gegn: defy;
ganga gæsagang: goosestep;
ganga hart eftir: stick out for;
ganga í: enter for, join;
ganga í (eða á) milli: intervene;
ganga í bylgjum: fluctuate, undulate;
ganga í garð: set in, (UK) come in;
ganga í her: enlist, join up;
ganga í hópgöngu: process;
ganga í hraðmarsi: double-time;
ganga í hröðum takti: double-quick;
ganga í hægðum sínum: saunter;
ganga í kringum: circumambulate;
ganga í röð: file;
ganga inn: stave in;
ganga klunnalega: clump;
ganga mann fram af manni: pass down, come down to;
ganga með: come along (hvernig gengur með það: how is it coming along);
ganga með skellum: chug;
ganga niður úr: scuff;
ganga nær: walk up;
ganga nærri: impoverish;
ganga of langt: get carried away, step out of line, overshoot;
ganga saman: telescope;
ganga sér til skemmtunar: promenade;
ganga svo langt: get to the point;
ganga til: pass to;
ganga til liðs við: team up with;
ganga tryggilega frá: secure;
ganga um: ambulate, perambulate;
ganga um gólf: pace, pace up and down;
standast ganga upp: make sense, add up, compute;
blessast ganga upp: work out;
labba upp ganga upp: mount, walk up;
ganga úr: secede;
ganga úr sér: stale;
ganga úr skugga um: ascertain, make sure, ensure, establish;
ganga út frá: presume, postulate, presuppose;
ganga vel: be successful;
ganga við hliðina á: flank;
ganga yfir: blow over, pass off;
ganga yfir á rauðu ljósi: jaywalk;
ganga þvert á: cut across;
gengin í: past (tuttugu mínútur gengin í fimm: twenty minutes past four);
knýja láta eitthvað ganga fyrir einhverju: run something off something, run something on something;
láta eitthvað yfir sig ganga: suffer through something;
láta ganga upp: realize;
maður á göngu: stroller;
úr sér genginn: antiquated, threadbare, timeworn, worm-eaten;
þar sem gengur á ýmsu: rocky
7. walk; walking; perambulation; march;
8. íþróttir race walking;
9. fiskifr. run;
hefja göngu sína: be launched;
þátttakandi í göngu: marcher
So I joined in with the second göngur this year. The first as I had previously posted were extremely tough with snow on the ground making it very difficult going for all those involved.
Ross my nephew in law came with us - there were 5 of us in our team, Andrés, his wife's brother in law Agnar and a girl that worked for him from Germany - Jolanta.
The weather was absolutely amazing. I didn't take my camera so there will be no photos.... sorry for that.
So a blow by blow by description:
We headed to Tunga at 6:30 am and went and saddled the horses and took off for our meeting point some 6kms away at around 7:05. We were first to arrive there. The scheduled meeting time was 8am. I didn't see what the time was when we left for our designated roundup area....we head up over the hill and over to the next valley. This where we start to split up - to "hold the line" so one person is at the top of the range of hills, another a little further down the slope, then another.... etc with Andres at the bottom of the valley following the river. We then head south collecting along the way any sheep that were left over from the roundup the previous weekend.
For me this was a pleasant riding trip - I was right in the middle of the group and had no sheep anywhere near me, hence no problems, I had a great horse - a 22 year old mare called Ara. Who knew the mountain and valley better than me.... she knew where the muddy, sinky areas were, where it was best to cross streams and crevaces.... such a joy to be on a horse that knew what it was doing. She did give me a bit of a problem when I was trying to remount - ie I fell off..... and then when she was getting enthusiastic about getting towards the end, she had a bit of a miss step and I fell over the top of her head... but all was well and I think she was ok with me.
For the first time ever we made it to Kálfadalur early enough to take a break and have a coffee, problem was we were a bit too relaxed, some of the sheep that we herded turned back... got a call from Andres to get off my butt and go get them - We went off started to chase them, it wasn't pretty, Ross, however was a hero and helped Andres get them over the river onto the road, Yolanta and I tried to get the other two going in the right direction - she had to do the running I held the horses and tried to drag them along behind me. For the first time ever I was on the northern side of the river on the home run..... which meant that we had to cross the river - the river has two very steep slopes on either side... going down was a bit of a hairy experience - but by this stage Ara had started to trust my judgement as I hers - Yolanta followed on her horse and we made it up to the other side and back to the rétt by 4pm.... thats 10 hours in the saddle folks..... pretty amazing.
It was a great day - it was so good to feel physically exhausted.
The best of it all was Olga made pizza for dinner with the home made salami that Ross and his dad and aunt made last week... Yummmmmm
Again, good times all round.