a little wind map for you.. 30m/s is around 108km/h - here in the north its a fairly gentle 9 to 15 m/s so around 30-55 km/h.
What can I say - it is windy...
Warning: A strong gale warning (more than 20 m/s) is in force for all parts. Forecast: Southeast 18 to 23 m/s but 25 to 30 by the west coast.
see www.vedur.is
Other than that it is Friday, the weekend is almost here and I am feeling extremely slack today... (what´s different). Need to get sorted this weekend and write christmas cards - so that they make it to their destination before the end of January. I don´t think that I have ever been this late with them.
Enough - to work with you woman!
Ah! I've always wondered what the metres per second equated to in kilometres! Iceland is one of the windiest places in the world with its treelessness...
Jundee was really windy yesterday, too. I was out in the core shed in the afternoon and it felt like there was a hurricane outside. I got covered in stupid dust.
I forced myself to write my Christmas cards over the weekend... I did it from bed with my Sweetie beside me and the tv showing old movies all day. Not bad I'd say, although I got absolutely nothing else done at all!
Love your map - sorry about the weather, but hey, it IS Iceland LOL. My mom-in-law heads over from Florida to Kopavogi on the 19th to spend Christmas with her sister and families. Wish I could go too :)
Stay warm!
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