My home, as seen above the door was built in 1898, which means that it will be 110 years old this year. There is not much left of the original house, except perhaps the cellar and some of thewalls, the reason being that the house has been "extended" quite often, twice by my dad. It still has lots of "old" bits in it, one of my favourites being the original threshold which is now inside the house.
Next comes 1948, the year my eldest brother was born. Probably not too significant, but he was always a significant in the freudian way, in my life.
1968 is the year my family (apart from eldest brother), moved to Australia.
1978 I planned my trip to Iceland. I went in 79 for 10 months before going to Uni back in Aus.
1988 I planned my return to Australia after having been in Iceland for 2 years trying to get my life sorted.
1998 I moved to Sydney, probably one of the most trying times of my life.
2008 here I am in Iceland, again wondering what is next.
It's probably all a load of crock, but I figure that we should do something significant on the 10th of Feb to remember that day 40 years ago when a family of 6 left a small fishing village in the North of Iceland to start a new life in a country so far away. I often wonder what was going through my fathers mind on that day. It would have been so hard, leaving all that he knew, all his family, friends, not to mention his eldest son, in search of a better life for his children and perhaps a new start.
I know that my siblings kids are all Australian and yet retain their pride in their Icelandic heritage. How different all our lives would have been had my parents never undertaken this journey, I know that I have no regrets, but I can´t help but wonder. Then I think, what if Erik the Red hadn´t gone to Greenland, what if Marco Polo had not gone to China, or Karlsefni to Iceland.
Thinking about this makes me think perhaps we should all have stayed at home, would life have been easier if Ghengis Khan stayed at home, if the emperors of Rome hadn´t wanted to extend the empire? If the Brits, French and Germans hadn´t wanted to colonise the World that was not Europe?
But then - how boring would we be.. No sushi, chinese or indian cuisine. Pasta would not be Italian food. We in Iceland - well wouldn´t be a we..