
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Oh the nerves, the nerves; the mysteries of this machine called man! Oh the little that unhinges it, poor creatures that we are! ~Charles Dickens

As promised the post that is all about ME. Yep now you get to meet the crap side of the person that is Sigga, the one that constantly scowls at the world, thinking that she has somehow been hard done by. It takes so much effort sometimes to get over myself- i often wonder why I am not on medications... The thing is I think I have finally realised we make our own shit and whether we revel in it or drown in it - it is basically up to us....
As you can see from the above I don´t seem like a very pleasant young child, I have no idea if I was a happy young person or not - my brothers and sisters will have to enlighten you on that - my memories from this period of my life consist of head injuries... maybe that is why I am as I am.
Later in life I put a lot of store in family and I always wanted everyone to be happy and to be happy according to my "rules", which I think were often never expressed out loud so my family never knew what internal dramas were taking place - most of these took place at Christmas - where according to my thinking everything was meant to be perfect.
This picture reflects the fact that obviously that Christmas did not go according to plan.
Yet another Christmas shot - you can see by the shoulders I am just about holding it together for the family photo. I don´t know how many years I expected Christmas to be perfect and it never was... At last now that I am in my own home I have no pressure about how Christmas should be - it just is - and I love it.
Now not so whiny shots... me when we arrived in Australia... not happy - but not sad...
Me and my cousin Elín... something I have to come to terms with on my own (It´s called inferiority complex - self created and self fed... before I die I will have worked this one out)
Another complex to overcome... I was the virgin Mary in our Christmas play - had to ride a donkey and all....

And I was an awkward 7 year old
And finally... whiny Sigga at her best - but hey the rest seemed quite happy...


Margarita Mirasol said...

I laughed so much my eyes watered. I was also a miserable 'pugging' git in my early years. All the photos show me pugging - which I still had them (stolen by The Beast)
Oh, how I giggled. Very funny, Sigga. Loved it.
That photo of you on the sofa. Classic.

Margarita Mirasol said...

wish not which

judith said...

Growing up is tough for everyone. Your life is what you make it and I think you're making it pretty nicely.

northern musings said...

Thanks Maria and Judy, ah yes those were the days....

Vicki said...

Aah, I have been waiting for this blog and very looking forward to some great conversations over xmas which will be quite rightly just what it is.

Northern musings said...

Thanks Vicki, I will try not to be a sour puss over christmas.... I am just hoping that the weather will be good to us - nice christmas snow - no wind etc etc. We´ll see what happens.

Johanna said...

O your were such a "kjútí"...;°)...
And I do not remember you as a sour-puss - you were - like my sister Gugga - bit annoying when we had to baby-sit - when we wanted to something totally different - but - we put up with it - we did NOT argue with our parents....;°)...
I just love those pictures of you -kjútí-pæ ;°)....

Maja said...

I think the grumpy expressions made you look even cuter than you already were! I just wanna squeeze those little cheeks and give you a noogie!