
Tuesday, November 03, 2009

You live longer once you realize that any time spent being unhappy is wasted. ~Ruth E. Renkl

The following posts will be mostly self indulgent, a time to take stock of my life so far I guess. So I thought I would start with the following image - me and my big sister, whom I love dearly. I think that my childhood was an extremely good one, being the youngest of five I was the one that was spoiled and indulged and obviously took it all for granted. It's what you do when you know no better.
We left Iceland when I was five, so really I should not have had all that many memories of my early childhood, but somehow Iceland was always under my skin. Most of my friends from primary and high school would probably agree with this and I doubt if any of them are overly surprised that I ended up back here. The next picture is one my sister recently gave me - it´s me defending my territory... the house that I now call my home.

Growing up in Australia was a wonderful experience - I loved it. I was blessed with having the very bestests of friends Tracy - who will feature prominently in the forthcoming entries... once I get around to scanning more randomness.
Here she is with me and her younger sister Greer at the front of my home in Perth... See how washed out the colour was - what do you expect in 40° degree heat.... but check out the tan...
I spent my formative years at Maddington Primary school... what a melting pot that was
This was taken during the second half of grade 3 the class had been split and I ended up in this one with a teacher that I really didn´t get on all that well with. Hence the sour look on my face I think... I am fourth from the left in the front row. This class contained what would be the core of friendships that would last so much longer than any of us could have imagined. In the back row, third and sixth from the left are my very good friends Dom and Jeff, the most wonderful male members of the human species that I have the privilege of calling my friend. They too may feature in future instalments.

When I was twelve I went with my mother to Iceland - our first visit to the "old" country after leaving it some 7 years before. Whilst there I got to meet cousins that I knew existed - but didn't "know". This short stay of 3 months was to be the basis of friendships that would grow and be extremely important in my future life. I think this visit also helped solidify my feeling of being "Icelandic Australian" rather than an Australian of Icelandic birth. The country and the feeling of being at home was embedded in my psychy. Iceland became my home away from home, a fixed place in my life.


olga said...

I love all these old photos, Sigga. The one of you guarding the house is so fantastic!

That washed out sunlight is such a Perth thing! Or maybe not, but that's how I will choose to associate it... It's just not the same over here!

And I like the differentiation of Icelandic/Australian vs. Australian with Icelandic parents. True, I think.


Maja said...

I am loving all these old photos, Sigga! Reminiscing is so much fun, and fun to read, so keep going!

Iceland is a very special country, and I feel so privileged to be Icelandic as well as Australian, but at the moment Australia is the place for me. Jason and I will definitely move over to Iceland for a while when we have kids so that our kids can feel the connection with the country that we all do.

It is so cool how you are still such good friends with the people you met in primary school. I guess I have one friend from Primary school and one from high school who I will always stay friends with, those friendships are the best, aren't they? The ones that last through all the changes that happen in your life.

judith said...

I love posts like this. It fills in the gaps and answers questions of how you got to where you are. Can't wait to hear more.

If you hadn't have identified the fact that the 'washed out' pic was taken in Perth, I'd have guessed it was taken in Texas. We live 5 months of the year washed out with the heat.

Unnur said...

Great blog, fantastic pictures. Such lovely memories

Margarita Mirasol said...

I love this. And the fact that you still live in the house that you defended. Awesome story. More! More!

Johanna said...

Just love your posts and old pictures Sigga.... brings back so many memories from when we all lived next to each other - these were great times....
And I think you are on the wrong shelf - you should have been a writer - such a good "pen"....

northern musings said...

Thanks guys, will try and utilize the fact that I am borrowing a scanner and scan more pics and bore you with more reminisces.