
Friday, July 16, 2010

The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one's own country as a foreign land. ~G.K. Chesterton

Another glorious day in the fjord today.  Started relatively early with mum coming in a fluster - she needed to get to the shops before her visitors arrived at lunchtime (her sister and an old friend of theirs).  So I convinced her to come with me and Freyja on our morning walk up in Skógarhlíð.  This is a small forested area above the paddocks that are just above the town.  Freyja and I love it here as we always seem to be the only ones there.

As you can see beautiful blue skies and very little cloud cover.  Just amazing.

This is what an Icelandic forest looks like.  Most of them have been planted quite recently and when they are planting them they tend to plant the trees very close together - this gives them a chance at survival - by giving each other a bit of protection from the winds.  Once established though,   they continually need to have areas cleared so that the bigger trees can grown even taller.  (at the moment the tallest trees there are around three metres)
After the walk and the shop I decided to go to the Freyjamobile and do some well needed cleaning.  Ended up with a spray disinfectant used by restaurants and solariums to clean down surfaces - I think this was a good move, also borrowed electricity and the vacuum cleaner from the Minjahús to vacuum the carpeted surfaces - which are EVERYWHERE.  Do you know how much I hate carpet???

Freyja came along to make sure that I did a good enough job.  I am not sure how she will go as a passenger in the car, tonight will be the big test.

This is an unfortunate angle as the table top makes her jowls look rather strange.  She looks a tad concerned.

Then she found her prime position - I am just waiting for her to jump on top of the dash and sit there. 

Stay tuned - if I have time tomorrow I will post about tonights adventure on the farm (Svanhildur's 40th).  Mum, Freyja and I are going in the Freyjamobile.  Mind you I am also working at Áskaffi tomorrow, will take my camera there too.


Vicki said...

Just as I would expect, Freyja would not settle for anything less than to be in the front seat. I think this Freyjamobile could be a whole lot of fun!

I think I missed the little forest when I was there last, I will have to walk with you when I get back.

Margarita Mirasol said...

This post deserves to be read over a glass of wine. Brb.

Maja said...

Freyja looks cute there at the front.