
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Old as she was, she still missed her daddy sometimes. ~Gloria Naylor

My Dad would have been 85 years old yesterday.  I miss him so much some times.  However, I do know that in his own way he is with me all the time, whether one believes in life after death or not, the dead remain with us in our memories and in our conscience.  It´s not seldom that I think, what would dad have said, or what would dad have done, or more recently with my going into politics - what would dad have thought!
We look so tanned in this photo, so I can't quite understand why we are both wearing Icelandic woollen jumpers..  Must have been the first of the autumn days and cooler weather in Perth.  I think that I have mentioned on this blog before that I feel blessed in having had a lot of time with dad - being the youngest and the unmarried one, I remained at home longer than my siblings. Mum worked full time in a restaurant so often dad and I would be together at home at the kitchen table discussing world events and politics.  It was through him that I became interested in politics and it was he who moulded my views and my moral beliefs.  That you should always aspire to do your best in whatever you do, do it with honesty and integrity.  Sometimes I feel that I am not living up to expectations, but I do try.  Also, no man has ever lived up to the expectations that I have of them - my dad was the blueprint.

I never really understood what drove him to go to Australia when he did, I sort of think I do, but then knowing how complex and layered individuals are and the actions that they take as a result of different forces I sometimes think that  maybe there was more.  I do know though that he did it for us, he thought that Iceland would not give us the opportunities that we would get in Australia.  I certainly don't regret growing up there, I also made the choice like him to come back.  On returning to Iceland the first thing he did was buy himself a little fishing boat.  He was a true man of the sea and loved going out on his little putt putt boat fishing for dinner and just enjoying being on the fjord.  

Luckily for us he and ma came back and spent a year with us in Aus after he got sick, this is one of the last group photos of him with his grandchildren in Australia.  I often wish that they had had a chance to get to know him better, I think though that some of them still have treasured memories of time spent with him.

This photo was taken in June 1993, dad passed away on the 1st of August 1993.  Mum and dad had booked tickets to come to Aus for a holiday later in August, that was just not to be.  Still I know that before he died he had a wonderful trip with my eldest brother on the ship that he was captaining - all around Iceland, quality time spent with the son that was left behind.

I am so thankful for having had him as my father.  A wonderful human being.


olga said...

What a beautiful post!
I love love love that photo on the boat. And all the rest, too!

I wish I had known him better, but the few memories I have are of a lovely and gentle man. And, as you say, a wonderful human being.

judith said...

That was a beautiful post. He was quiet a handsome man. I think it's so cool that you have gone into politics after that was one of the things that was a bond between you.

Maja said...

Every time I realised the date on the 27th, I thought of Afi, it was a lot of times, as one is constantly being reminded of the date on a work day. When I got home and was having dinner with mum and dad, dad mentioned that it was Afi's birthday and we had a quiet moment while we all thought about it.

I was looking at Gunnar's photos from Haiti today and in so many of them I thought he looked just like Afi, did you notice that?

Northern musings said...

Thanks guys.
Yep there definitely is a family resemblance there Maja. Don´t you think that Valdi looks like him too?

Johanna said...

This is a beautiful post Sigga, about your dad - he was a great man - and I always remember him on his little "puff puff" boat when I was growing up - I even got to go with him one time...
We are so blessed to have fathers like ours - they were/are the salt of the earth.... Wish I had my toes - were they have teir heals;°)....

tsduff said...

I loved reading about your Dad - and seeing the photos to accompany. Very nice tribute.