So the earth has been rumbling a bit in the last few days... as can be seen on the map above. The action is all in the fjord to the east of Skagafjörður... For those not with the "knowledge" of Iceland the fjord is Eyjafjörður and the town that has been most aware of the earths movements is Siglufjörður - where the northernmost black triangle is to the left on the map (on land) The big green star means that the quake was over 3 on the richter scale... the other dots signify quakes less than three, the colours signify the time since the quake occurred red 0 to 4 hours ago, orange 4 to 12, yellow 12 to 24 and blue 24 to 36, So as you can see there has been a bit of action here in the last few days. All this information is available on the website vedur.is and like most things of good value in Iceland is also available in english.
As I have no idea (or rather can't be bothered to learn) the not so nice looking link is this one
http://en.vedur.is/earthquakes-and-volcanism/earthquakes/tjornes-large/ This is a slightly larger map of the area shown above and also includes my fjord - the one on the left on the image that you open.
Also on the site tonight is this:
The earthquake swarm in northern Iceland continues. Since this morning (Oct. 24) the activity has been consistent on three main clusters aligning with the Husavik-Flatey Fault system. No signs of change in activity have been observed today but the activity will be closely monitored. Large earthquakes can occure in this area but it is not possible to predict timing of such events.Written by a specialist at 24 Oct 16:50 GMT
Now scientists have to state categorically about such things as that it is not possible to predict the timing of such events.... probably because the Italians have decided to jail a few for stating that there wasn't going to be a problem....
Six Italian scientists and a government official have been sentenced to six years in prison over statements they made prior to a 2009 earthquake that killed 309 in the town of L'Aquila.
A year-long trial came to a close today (Oct. 22) with the verdict, which alarmed earth scientists worldwide. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=italian-scientists-get to read more.
So in our óvissu (uncertainty) stage I sign out and say farewell and adieu till the next time.... when I try and post nice pictures of the aurora....
Take care folks... and remember live life like there is no tomorrow, with the caveat that what you do today will always come back at you tomorrow or in another reality! love all! be good!
1 comment:
Oh good grief!!! If this is the case we should stone our weathermen for not predicting the tornado threats correctly. How do they expect these people to know the intensity of an earthquake. We have mild tremors all the time, the only way we know about it is when someone puts something on facebook.
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