Today is the 1st of december - surprise surprise, not only is it the anniversary of home rule in Iceland, it is also the day before the first sunday of advent, which means that throughout Iceland trees are being lit and the jolasveinar are coming down from the hills. Before the festivities began I took the dog for a run... she was happy

then went down to town to watch the lighting of the tree.

not lit... lit

´twas cold, but nice, it's one of those things that I like about being here, the town does go out and listens to the speeches, joins in on the songs and basically enjoys the traditions and ensures that the next generation does the same. It was soooo cold.. but everyone was happy, good thing the bank was also serving hot chocolate...
This tree reminds me of the square down in Hafnarfjiordur in front of the church. My Icelandic Mom-in-Law is visiting and it brings the Icelandic half up close and personal for me. I do love Iceland, even though my roots are Danish OOPS!
A bank that serves hot chocolate? Brilliant!
That looks nice :)
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