
Friday, May 14, 2010

There are far too many men in politics and not enough elsewhere. ~Hermione Gingold

You know it's funny.  I self edit alot when I write this blog, you don't want to be ranting and raving about stuff that might offend someone.  Now that I have decided to go into local politics I am even self editing the quotes that I use.  Not that anyone in the fjord - apart from close family - know that this thing exists.  My sarcasm is starting to suffer and I am not happy about this.  I really need to re-check this self edit mode that has established itself in my psyche.  But that is an aside.  As I had also previously promised not to write about the local elections, but.... it has taken over my life so it really leaves little else to write about except the tax returns at work, and hey we all know how dull that subject is.

As I am writing this the remake of the Poseidon Adventure is on... I remember the first movie so well, particularly that damn song - there's got to be a morning after... even now I know that this will be going through my head as I try to go to sleep.  Had to check imdb. the original came out in 1972 - I was 10... it must have been the first big budget movie I went to see.  Pretty sure I went with mum and dad, can't remember though whether it was at a movie theatre or the drive in.  I remember crying when Shelley Winters went for the big swim.... oh what memories.  Now this movie - is, to say it in one word, Dreadful!  Bloody Brian Brown, such a stiff - but what was Rutger Hauer doing there? he must have been hard up for cash.

On other news.  The clever Freyja now knows how to open doors, so no longer can the house be left unlocked whilst she is inside... In the process of opening the door to my house she ripped down the crocheted curtain.... she was in the sin bin yesterday.   Now she is lying sleeping peacefully on the sofa, all forgiven and forgotten.

Mum has now cleared the potato patch ready to plant potatoes.  The strawberry patch has been thinned out, manure from Tunga placed in it along with new soil.  She is amazing.  I don't have her energy now, so I doubt if I will be like her at her age.  Also, yesterday was the day of the aged in Iceland - also a public holiday as it was resurrection day (when JC went up to the heavens), so the old folks choir first sang at the church service at 11 and then they had a concert at 2pm.  I gained mega points by actually waking up before midday and attended church, which meant I could skip the later concert - which according to all reports was very good.

Last night the youngsters in the political party that I am now a part of had a social gathering where they subject the pollies to be to certain tests of well.... hmm.... lets see.  The first competition was eating lemons - I won... Hey lemons are good - even without the tequila and salt... then the men had to put a condom on a banana - condom placed in mouth - you know the drill.  Had to eat milk arrowroot type biscuits... talk about dry... eat cocosbollur and then a glass of pepsi (thankfully I wasn´t in this one - recipe for bad reaction), then be fed skyrr by someone blindfolded... the joke here was the the guy that is no 1 on the list was fed by someone not blindfolded hence ended up covered in skyr, then there was a quiz and chirades type deal - we won ofcourse - oh us Jonssons we are sooo good at Geography and Madonna impersonations.  Twas a fun night overall... bit strange but OK.  (ps the modern Shelley Winters survived her swim...)

Well as you can see no photos today - have not taken the camera out for a while - but I really should as now it is 23:37 and it's just sort of twilighty... not light but not yet dark..

Have I told you how much I love summer time in Iceland??????


Maja said...

I like lemons too! I've tasted oranges that were more bitter than lemons.

Freyja is such a smarty-pants. I bet she is so smug about it too! I wonder what she would do if she was allowed to go in and out as she pleased. I reckon she'd always come home, but i guess she'd be a pain in the arse to the townsfolk. It's funny how you can't have a stray dog wandering around but cats can go wherever they want.

Amma is just amazing with her energy and determination to do as many things as possible in every day. I am definitely a lot lazier than she is, I guess I'm more of a pfaffer.

Politics sounds quite interesting and fun-filled!

olga said...

Yeah, I think I've said before, I like hearing about the politics! Although I self-edit pretty hard, too, so I get where you're coming from...

Amma is amazing! Clearing out that potato patch sounds exhausting, I hope her back's okay after that... Ooh, and I can't wait for strawberries!

Maja: Pfaffer? That word is gold.
Maybe it's like a second wind, once we're all eighty-year-old ladies, we'll find ourselves full of energy...

Ha ha, Freyja. She thinks she's people.

Northern musings said...

Maja you hit it on the head with the smugness - she was so proud of herself and gave me a really hard time when I tried to catch her. Just barked and ran circles around me. She has had it tough though with all this meeting business - she gets very little quality walk time these days - Pfaffer is a great word, I shall take it into daily language may Icelandasise it fafferí..
Mum is amazing - I get tired looking at her... she met me with the dog tonight as I was coming from todays politics - probably taking Freyja for a third walk for the day - we would both be lost without her.