
Monday, May 23, 2011

Can't find an appropriate quote

So, Iceland delivered another volcanic eruption.... watching the news has become really really depressing.  It is just unbelievable what the farmers in the south have had to go through, last spring and now this spring; yet another volcano spewing it's guts and ash into the air..   They are quite stoical when seen on the tv, still I think that there must come a time when enough is enough.  Last week we were worrying about the fact that it looked like there would be snowfall in the North, well, we got that - especially to the east of us.  Thankfully, all we have had here in my fjord is a cold northerly winds throughout the last week and a little snow tonight, no ash and no major snow fall.

this is a clip of the eruption with some sigurrós background music, making it all pretty - but it ain't pretty for the folk living through this.

Every time I watch the news I just get upset, knowing that there is nothing to be done, but we also have to be very grateful in that so far there are no human casualties, unlike in USA with Missouri getting yet another tornado blasting through.  We have a lot to be grateful for here in the north.  Sometimes you just have to keep reminding yourself of how good life really is and how you I have never really had to face any really really major challenges.  

I live in a lovely little village, that sometimes has horribly cold northerly winds, and even snow at the beginning of summer... but that really is something to be thankful for.

Life is good, and all will be well in Iceland, the weather is changing as are the winds and the folk in the south will hopefully get rain to settle the ash.  Pollyanna will live in our hearts and minds.... this summer will be excellent!

Tonight at 9pm... not much snow - but enough.... but I am grateful that it is white and not grey ash... 

1 comment:

Margarita Mirasol said...

I love looking at Iceland on the map in my classroom and thinking of you there, you bring it to life, I sometimes mention Iceland to the kids in class, you know, about the polar bears that wound up there, as an example of climatic change, or the strange food, or that I have a friend there. Thank you for putting Iceland on the map for us.