
Thursday, February 28, 2013

I've developed a new philosophy... I only dread one day at a time. ~Charlie Brown (Charles Schulz)

 I have been extremely slack with the blogging - but my excuse is that work has been particularly hectic.  GST for farmers is due tomorrow - I have one file with me here at home to do tonight, but then procrastination took over.
 We had a bit of a dinner party last Saturday night, I made sushi and did some tempura prawns, sweet potato, capsicum and scallops.  I think it went down rather well.  A few bottles of wine went down well as well... nah - a good night and a nice way to get my mind of the panic that was ensuing because of work.
 Also, am having a bit of an internal flux because of the trip to Aus, but that is only because there is so much to do before I go and so little time - but that is probably a good thing.
This weekend will be spent getting over the work stress and also cleaning out both my junk and some of mums.  This is the second to last weekend in Iceland... again... so little time.  Snotra is missing mum dreadfully, but I keep her happy with tinned tuna.  Problem is I can't be nice and cuddle her as my allergy to cats is getting really bad.   At least I know that Freyja will be happy up at Árni's - even though Árni is not as happy getting all that hair into his house.  (I think that she will begin malting whilst I am in Aus... fun times ahead).  This morning she snuck into his bed when we were eating breakfast - a taste of things to come!

boring I know

Looking forward to seeing all my friends and family in Aus!!!!  Looks like the 24th will be the day for a really big catch up in Kings Park!


judith said...

Start making a list but make it backwards. List the last things you need to do before you leave and then the next to last things and so on until you get to the things you need to do tomorrow. Then knock of at least half of the things you've listed for everyday and don't worry about those things until you come back.

Maja said...

Yes! I started creating a facebook event for the 24th but got distracted and didnt invite anyone. I'm having trouble finishing anything these days, let alone starting.

Good tip, judith.

judith said...

Don't forget to call your credit card company and let them know that you'll be in OZ....

northern musings said...

Thanks for the tips Judith - am working on the backwards list... and so far so good! Hey Maja - I think I will do the event - you are afterall a newly baked mum as they say here and are therefore incapable of anything (joke). ps - hope you are looking forward to having me stay over!