The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too. ~Samuel Butler, Notebooks, 1912
So apparently I have "been tagged". Being the useless blogger and not at all so savvy with the nature of these things I will amuse my niece and do it - but only this once - thanks Maja
Apparently I need to present some rules:
Rules:We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Eight random facts/habits
1. I had my first ever pedicure this morning. Twas very nice - also had a facial - not as nice - far too many black heads!!
2. I have to walk my dog at least three times a day - If I don´t I get the following emo message from her
We are going for a walk aren´t we, aren´t we......
3. I don´t really blog, I have never been able to consistently keep a record of any of my doings ever.
4. I enjoy having people for dinner... not eating them ... but feeding them. Currently I enjoy the company of my mum and my nephew.
Mum and dog
5. I´m Icelandic so I have eaten horse, whale, pickled rams testicles, sheeps head, blood and liver sausage/haggis, cured shark and variety of other things that most people would find disgusting - believe me though when I tell you its actually "food culture" and is becoming the next big tourist thing.
6. I have now lived for 3 years in small country town in North Iceland pop 2,500 previously I lived in Hamburg pop 2.5m, Sydney pop 3-4m, Melbourne pop. 3m, Perth pop 2m. You could say I am scaling down.
7. the house I live in was the one I lived in before we moved to Australia.
8. My bed is made from Horse hair...and my bath is a big wooden tub that looks like a barrel.
As I don´t know how to tag anyone I won´t - it also reminds me too much of those chain emails and I don´t think that my not tagging will cause me to loose all my limbs and have bad luck for the next 77 years.
Cheers folks