
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

HMM not dog related

I got tagged by Maja

Players- you must list one fact, word or tidbit that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your first or middle name. when you are tagged you can write your own blog-post containing your name facts the end of your blog-post you can choose the amount of people that your name has to tag (i.e.- 6 letters, 6 people to tag). don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they have been tagged and to read your blog.

Maja sent me the above - so being the good sport that I am I will try and give it a go.

S - toss up between Strong and Sensative - one day I am one and the next day I am the other. I feel that I have a very strong personality and a pretty tough exterior, but the interior is mushier than Völu buff (a super sweet super soft Icelandic marshmallow coated in chocolate and coconut)

I - independent - easy one that one. Taught by my father to always be able to do things for myself or at least attempt to do it - but also to realise that sometimes you just have to ask for help.

G - gregarious... I love people (most of the time) and there is nothing that I enjoy more than having friends and family over for dinner or just hang out.

G- gastronome - according to this definition: a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment (especially good food and drink). I love food, especially - I love a good wine... what more can I say

A-ambivalent - uncertainty or fluctuation, esp. when caused by inability to make a choice or by a simultaneous desire to say or do two opposite or conflicting things. Thats me to a tee - which is all caused ofcourse by the absorption of Linda Goodman at an early age, believing that being a Libra made it inherantly impossible for me to come to a quick decision or having made a decision wondering whether the other alternative/s may or may not have been a wiser move.... Hence, to over come this I now try to live by the motto "No regrets, EVER"

I will not inflict this on 5 others... so it ends


Maja said...

Indecision is the key to flexibility, don't you know.

Nice work!

Northern musings said...

Thanks Maja - I always need to justify my fence sitting....