What a day! The economy went ass up. The right wing government all believing in capitalism and the free market decides to bail out one of the banks that has shown the least corporate responsibility of all. I quit my job, well, I actually quit in January but have been waiting until now to make it official... the future of Holar seems to be set in not concrete but a very muddy mix of political will and unknown certainties.. All too much of a quagmire for me to bother with. This concerns mum a little, but hey, life will go on. I have no investments so am not about to lose anything, I have no debts to speak of and own my own little shed... just need to get a sheep, a cow and some chickens, maybe I will start to live "the good life"

Berry tragedy at Aðalgata 17, mum was making berry juice and the juicer exploded.... with the result shown above and below - looks more like something from CSI

Mum cleaning up the spill... She was in total shock when it happened, poor dear. Still all was well, there will be memories in the pine walls... In other news mum went and saw a specialist today, to check out whether she is on the alzheimers short list, apparently there is no need to worry, past all tests with flying colours. I think she enjoyed it - sounded a bit like a bit of a therapist session, maybe we all need to talk to someone unrelated to us and our lives to vent and get feedback that hey - we are ok.

Last weekend was Laufskálarétt - as you can see - the action was pumping at my place, a game of triv, with questions from 1986 (Icelandic version), it lasted hours, and we left with less than one piece of pie in each persons thingy... makes for a bit of a surreal evening when one of the contestents was born after 1986... and another knows almost nought of Icelandic trivia...

We were having an ok time though really..........
I managed to get my favourite coat nicked from the equestrian centre (where the dance was). I also managed to lose all facilities in my left thigh muscle (upper bit as in top of the thigh which you use to walk down stairs and stand up), I think I have some sort of vascular thingy happening... not to worry... I am sure I will survive. If not - chop it off.
Tonight was pizza and me cleaning up from Saturday night. Yeh, I am slack, dishes now take two days. Mum and Guðný joined me and then mum got on the net... she was really happy to have had an email from Olga in London. Can´t wait till Christmas and we get to host the snow people and watch them making little men in my garden (it better snow this year....)

In the back ground is the tv with tonights news programme discussing the current economic crisis... Ah yes, the reality of life, I will be unemployed during Icelands worst depression in years... Am I worried, nah.. not worth it.
Great post.
Made me chuckle lots.
Berry-stained pine. Tee hee.
Love the look on the Trivial Pursuit faces.
I was playing this game about a month ago and had the same look on my face.
Congratulations on your new life as a non-worker.Sounds wonderful.
Oh yes I chuckled over the berry juice, too...
Congratulations on quitting the job! One door closes another door opens. You'll be right.
That's good news about Amma not having alzheimers. I got her birthday card last week.
Yep, life goes on.
That´s great that you quit your job! We´re both jobless, hurrah. I´m thinking of telemarketing for some quick and (mostly) painless money.
Aw, Laufskálarétt! Still bummed that we missed it, but maybe next year.
And yes, the snow people can´t wait, either. I think we´re all interested in the possibility of playing shows or maybe just writing songs... Must contact Soren or Helgi Sæmundur to borrow some gear.
I like it when you post! Miss you and love you!
Thank you Olga, am actually thinking of posting again... its snowing!
My God! That juicer incident looks like a crime scene!! I thought someone had an accident with the pet rabbit or something.....
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