
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet. ~Roger Miller

The weather is dismal again. It is amazing what an effect this has on your life. I spent the bulk of the day reading a book and on occasion walking the dog. Now I am watching some cheesy movie on the tv...
So much for doing heaps this weekend - like cleaning up for my impending visitors next week..
Had I written about this?
My best mates from pre Iceland are coming to visit, Bernd, Amanda and son Matthias from Germany, Narelle from Aus and Amanda's mum and dad and great aunt from Aus. So it should be a great time. Hopefully I will have some time off work to be a proper host, if not Amanda, Narelle and Bernd have been here often enough to be able to take over the tour guide role for me.
The government ratified the Icesave agreement today, putting the country into debt for the next God knows how many years. I may be naive but I always thought that when folk were putting their money in private hands that they were taking a risk that might mean they never see their money again, I also thought that when a business becomes bankrupt that normal laws would be followed and that the general public would not be made accountable and payable. Still, it seems that the big bullies in the EU have got their way.
Did not mean to be so depressing... blame it on the weather.


Maja said...

Yes, boo to the icesave agreement. It's not exactly fair. How excitement with all the visitors! Tell them all gidday from me :)

Northern musings said...

Will do Maja, hope life is being good to you!