
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things. ~Author Unknown

My very very very dear friend Iris came to visit me on the rock last week, she arrived on Friday to gale force winds which forced her to spend a night in Reykjavik. The flight north on the Friday night was cancelled due to wind gusts of 50 metres per second. Her flight was rescheduled for Saturday at 10am... so I picked her up from the airport in semi gale force winds... What a great start to her stay with me.
I had a blast - I am hoping that she did too. We caught up on life - what´s been happening in hers for the last fifteen years and what has been happening in mine. She is the mother of three beautiful children - now adults. The wife of a really great guy David, and the best friend of Al, who is on the left in the photo above and moi. We met on our first day at Uni in 1981, she was the one that changed my english name from Siggy to Sigga - much to my relief. You see Siggi is a male derivation whereas sigga is female.... finally in english I became a female..
It is just so great when you meet up with an old friend and realise - yet again- that true friendship lasts throughout the years and the distance. We found just what it was that made us friends all those years ago. We also realised, yet again, that we could tell each other stuff that we weren´t willing to tell others. The mutual admiration society was reconvened.

She also cleaned my house - for that I love her even more dearly... I am a slob. She knows this, and she also knows that I don´t like living like a slob....

I was not the hostess with the mostest this time round, am feeling a little swine fluish, so although I did take her for a drive around the fjörd that was about it in terms of site seeing. Well I took her on her word that she came here to see me and not necessarily Iceland. I am hoping that she and David will come to visit me one day so that I can be a better host and show her this beautiful and amazing country. Hopefully this visit has wetted the appetite and they will both come for a week or two.

Her birthday is the day after mine, she is one year and one day younger than me, perhaps that is a part of the magic about our connection - I don´t know. I just know that I am very blessed with all the friends that I have.

Thank you Iris for being you!


Margarita Mirasol said...

What a lovely story. Love seeing photos of your table where so many parties have been held throughout this blog.

olga said...

I love those old photos on here and your facebook!

And yeah, your dining table is quite a feature in this blog... I guess it just proves you're the hostess with the ... mostess? Is it supposed to be mostest? That would make the most(est) sense, I guess?

Anyway, nice blog!