
Sunday, October 04, 2009

Snow and cold

-3° on our 5th walk for the day. I have been a very slack person wanting to stay at home, whilst the dog was looking at the sunshine outside the window and thinking I want to be out there!!!! So, 5 times I braved the bitter cold.... and still now she sits on her daybed going, "I am sooo depressed - tried to load a photo of this look of hers but something seems to be wrong in the blog world.
later folks - have a great week!


Margarita Mirasol said...

Yay for Iceland in the winter.

ZUBA said...

Cold , but beautiful.
So much nicer than the wet, windy miserable Melbourne winter.
Been offline for a while but glad to see you're well. And listen to the dog, dogs know what's best ;)