
Thursday, January 06, 2011

Many people look forward to the new year for a new start on old habits. ~Author Unknown

Ah Christmas... what a wonderful time of year... ma and I having a discussion on something that must be important - afterall I have my hands on my hips....   Twas a good time - notice the new addition to the wine accessories... a wooden Ikea box wine stand - no home is complete without one...

 To alleviate and help take away some of the excess Olga, Ross and I went to Tunga to de-worm some sheep and take note of which sheep were with which ram... Twas good.... As usual Ross did all the hard work whilst Olga and I indulged in sheep book keeping.
 Sister Unnur arrived and with her more presents.  Ross got this amazing hat from Kerry... 
 As a part of Christmas / New Year tradition, Unnur and I (and Olga) went up to the cemetery and lit another candle at Dad's grave.  As you can see it was rather cold...
 Dinner on New Year's eve.  The usual suspect minus mum.... she deserted us for Rvk, my face is totally over exposed or rather - I could be a bit part actor in twilight or tru blood  -  I totally have the skin colour for it now.
 After the fire works.... 
 The latest fashion in footwear in Iceland - in minus temps - my sister wearing thongs with socks.... and she walked through snow!
Guðný and I ended up at my cousin Rúna Birna's with a few other strays.....

The major news in the new Year is that Vicki has finally got her post house!!!! She tells the story best herself so I recommend that you have a look at her blog - Vicki the Viking... on my blogroll.  I wish her all the best in her endeavours and look forward to new developments in 2011.

and then today we experienced proper weather - big blizzard - so the best place to be is indoors looking out!

Wishing everyone a very very happy 2011 and hoping that all our dreams come true - or at least the ones that do us good do!


Maja said...

At least it didn't get blizzardy until after new years eve :)

judith said...

I love that last picture, looks like a Christmas card. We are due snow here later today or tomorrow. It's raining now so that means ICE, not snow.

Northern musings said...

True Maja, we are expecting the snow to remain for a while now. Also expecting more snow later in the week. Thanks Judy, all the Christmas stuff is down now but I have kept the lights up.