
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions. ~A.A. Latimer

This beautiful creature is the latest edition to my extended family, my brother Hilmar sent me the pic last week and I thought I should share it with one and all. Hope he doesn´t mind!!

Borrowed the above picture from as I forgot to take a photo of it on the weekend. As you can see it is starting to take shape.

Currently trying to do a forecast for the 5 year plan for my current place of work. It's probably the 5th 5 year plan I have done... so you would think I would be getting good at it or could use some of the old plans to get the new one done quickly, but oh no, plans change so the figures change and in the end I have no idea. Boring I know but I had to get this off my chest.....

In other news we are expecting a big snow storm tomorrow, - am thinking of taking work home with me in case I get snowbound in SKrok tomorrow as this budget thing has to be finished by Friday...


judith said...

I try not to use or think about the B word.... I don't like playing with money. I just like to spend it once in a great while.

Maja said...

Aw, they said they were going to look at a dog but didn't know what it was. It's adorable!!!

Your work sounds as boring as mine.