
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

hurðaskellir - door slammer

The seventh was Door Slammer, a sorry, vulgar chap:
When people in the twilight would take a little nap,
he was happy as a lark with the havoc he could wreak,
slamming doors and hearing the hinges on them sqeak.
It is very hard to explain life in Iceland less than one hundred years ago when folk lived in turf houses and as we are so far north we have very little sunlight during the winter months. This induced in folk a feeling that there were "other things" out there. It is so easy to understand this when I am out in the open, driving the car, or at Glaumbæ, all the shadows all the strange movements in the moonlight. Sometimes it can be quite creepy... So door slammer, running around the house slamming the few doors that were there (usually only an outer door, perhaps one or two in the "better" parts of the house or maybe even one of the outhouse doors. Easy to imagine an elf or two out there causing havoc.
On todays agenda - interviewing four potential replacements. Boy was I feeling inferior.. Amazing the confidence that some people have, justifiably so, but yeh... it´s weird.


judith said...

My hairdresser lived in a haunted house. It was haunted by a Pioneer woman, a little girl, and a boy. The woman mostly just walked around causing rooms to go cold, the boy was like a guardian for DD's dog, but the little girl... she was ornery!. Cranking the stereo wide open so it would blast you out of the house, turning things over, causing things to spill. It was a hoot to go to DD's house. Always something going on.

Maja said...

Door Slammer's my favourite.

olga said...

I really like door slammer too. I think he's just the right mix of funny and scary.

As for work replacements - you totally have the upper hand in that situation! Milk it! I find over-confidence really off-putting sometimes...
Only a few more days (and yule lads) to go!