
Monday, December 08, 2008

Monday is a lame way to spend 1/7 of your life. ~Author Unknown

No photos today as I left my camera at Jóhannas last Tuesday night. We were there for a wonderful curry dinner with the extended family - it was excellent!!!
The next morning I wandered down the road to the leiðbeiningamiðstöð (the centre for advice) - it´s a place that provides farmers with farming and financial advice. So, anyway the short of the long of it is that I will be working there in the new year. Me, helping farmers with their bookkeeping - should be fun. Actually I am quite excited by the change, it will mean a whole heap of new people to meet and get to know. So yeh, I will not be unemployed.....
What else happened.... I had meetings on Thursday that lasted aaaalllllll day.... dreadful.
Friday was the usual pool game and drinks at the local.
Satuday night was dinner party night at my place - we were to have been 12 but ma got ill, not a pretty sight. So 11 of us hunkered around my table and ate Borsch - russian beetroot soup - that actually tasted pretty good Mine was alot better looking ofcourse....(borrowed this from - their recipe is also not the same - but hey) you get the idea. I hate not having had a camera.....
smoked lamb with potatoes in white sauce (my first attempt at doing this - and it didn´t go lumpy or taste like shit..)

picture from kjarnafæði - smoked lamb, greenpeas and potatoes in white sauce.

roasted leg of lamb with pepper sauce and sweetened potatoes (caramelised in sugar and butter)
Guðny and Bryndís made their special christmas beetroot salad (chopped tinned beetroot, chopped apples and whipped cream - believe me when I tell you it is yummy) Then there was some healthy looking green stuff as well. oh and ofcourse ORA grænar baunir (tinned peas from Ora - you need to be Icelandic to understand).
Dessert was made by Herdís - it was THE best chocolate mousse I have ever ever ever had... with whipped cream, blueberries, strawberries and raspberries... yummmm
All of the above was washed down with (and I counted) 12 bottles of extremely good red wine - not one bottle was bad or cheap or nasty... Great guests! (oh and 3 of the guests only had one glass each as they were driving.....).
Sunday I had the pleasure of going to Glaumbæ for the advent "walk in the dark" - its where they open up the turf house to visitors and read christmas stories, recite Icelandic poetry and eat smoked lamb and laufabrauð, after which you go to Áskaffi and have hot chocolate and cakes a´la Herdís.....
Today... Monday - need I say more


olga said...

That was an awesome post, I liked it.

Congratulations on the job! Good to hear the kreppa can't get you, and it sounds like an interesting place to work.

Oh so many dinners that I'm jealous of... Smoked lamb! Laufabrauð! Beetroot soup? I trust your judgement, may have to give it a go!

Can't wait to see you guys! I still need a shopping list of what you'd like from London town...

judith said...

I'm having borsch for the first time Friday. A Russian girl at work is bringing it... I'm a little scared... I'll try anything (well almost) once.

Congratulations on the new job. Isn't it a great feeling to have a job?

Maja said...

Hey that's great news about the new job, it sounds like it will be rewarding and a good way to meet people.

Mm mm mm all that food sounds so delicious. Tis the season for eating!

I hate Mondays too. I'm ALWAYS at work or on my way to work on mondays.

Old Knudsen said...

Beetroot soup, should I trust Icelandic judgment about food? and to think people all over the world slag off Brit food. Give me a deep fried Mars bar over pissed on rotten fish anyday.

Margarita Mirasol said...

I loved this post. I am a big fan of Iceland. That lamb sounded ewesome.
I can't wait to visit.
Evil roar.

Johanna said...

Sorry about the camera - I was going to bring it to you last saturday - but YOU WERE ASLEEP(¨,)
and after lunch I WENT TO SLEEP....
So - shall we meet half way - take a walk and see were we meet:):)

Northern musings said...

I walked to your place on saturday evening - but all the lights were out and no car in the driveway..... Will walk to your place tonight and pick it up

tsduff said...

Love this post. I wish you congratulations on your new upcoming job - having recently lost my own job this sounds especially bright. We have a frozen Hangikjöt which we brought back last time we visited Iceland. It will be used at Christmas - yum. Can't wait.