
Sunday, March 27, 2011

I like the word "indolence." It makes my laziness seem classy. ~Bern Williams

The quote says it all hence, no post yesterday and a major fail in posting everyday for a month... I almost wasn't going to bother tonight - so much easier to fail at things than to continue on after a relapse...

Last night I went to the annual dinner dance of the local gym... I am NOT a member.... I went with my very good friend Guðný - we use each other as the plus one whenever there's the opportunity.  Was an interesting evening... Lots of very fit bodies and in amongst them some like me - not so fit.  The jokes were a little or rather very much not to my taste, but hey, different strokes... the entertainment was quite amusing though, the instructors made to reach for an ever reducing box of cereal with their mouths.  I was a tad worried about some of them making old sports injuries that much worse, the woman that won so deserved it - has a healthy looking sporty physique, not overly thin and extremely flexible.  Some of the blokes took me by surprise, the most flexible of them was probably the one that had more padding than the others.  

Then came the music, a two man band - in the tradition of dinner music with a few "hits" from the pop world thrown in.....  Guðný had choir practice today so she was on her best behaviour... so it was a fairly early night.  Even though this was the case. today was a very very slack day - very indolent.  I slept late, took the dog for a long walk, made a pie... pies take time..... and am now relaxing and watching the box, with a glass of red... the usual end for the day.

In other news spring has arrived, the snow is melting - we have had two days of plus temps... my tulips are trying to grow... hopefully they survived the snow and will blossom before Easter.

And in further news, I actually went and had a look at Olga, Ross' and Henry's new home... tis really really lovely - so much potential... am looking forward to spending some quality time with them there.  

1 comment:

Maja said...

I used to hate the gym, but once I started going it became addictive. It's the thing i look forward to at the end of the day. I hate missing a session after work, i only skip it if i feel really ill or have a function to go to. But when I'm at home i hardly miss it at all. I don't have a daily routine on break i guess.