
Friday, March 18, 2011

My life has a superb cast but I can't figure out the plot. ~Ashleigh Brilliant

I was trying to work out what to write about today... then I went to quote garden and found the quote for the day.

This is so true... my life has a superb cast and I really can not figure out the plot. I am sure that there is one there somewhere, maybe one that other folks can see - but me looking from the inside out have no idea.

So, while you have been having to read my daily dribble from my past life, things have been happening here on the rock.  My niece and her hubby have put in an offer on a house and will be my neighbours - which is so nice.   

Japan has suffered and continues to suffer and one can only pray that they can circumvent further catastrophe in the nuclear power plant...   Makes me yet again realise how lucky I am to live in a country with hydro and geothermal power... These too have negative sides, but nothing like nuclear, coal or oil generated power stations.  I often wonder whether our "green/environmentalists" that are demonstrating against the building of dams are actually thinking about what the other options are.  I do not believe in building power stations and daming every river in the country just so that Alcoa can build another aluminium smelter - that will never ever be anything that I will condone. However, I do realise that we are a power hungry human race and none of us are willing to be without electricity - we are just so used to it.  We are so used to having computers, mobile phones, televisions and light bulbs, all our documents and photos are becoming digital... if suddenly there is no power then we have no way of retrieving those things that we have hoarded within the power hungry technology.  

This reminds me so much of the original movie based on the book about the time machine by hg wells.  Scary stuff.  In particular one scene that struck me the most which was based in the future where "our hero" was in what seemed to be a library and the books turned to dust when he touched them.  Which means that they weren't being renewed.. they were relics of the past.  With kindle and electronic books - there might be the chance that we don´t have real proper paper books anymore....  in the future of HG Wells, the paper books might be as dust - but without power the kindle books would not exist....  I don't like that thought at all.

This has been a bit of a ramble... but hey... my life is superb and has a superb cast and if any of you have figured out the plot - can you let me know - 'twould be nice to know what I am all about.....  

Have a great weekend!


judith said...

Ohhhh, now that's something to think about. I remember years ago as a child thinking it would be so cool to live back in the late 1800's. Life was so simple then. Your family didn't go too far away, you worked hard and rested well. You didn't have the pressure to buy something new and fancy unless it made plowing the back 40 easier. I wonder sometimes how much will be too much when it comes to technology? They just sent a satellite to Mercury. WTF for? Hubby says it's for technology's sake. Why not use that technology to better detect a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami?

Maja said...

I think that's why I keep diaries and I print out and paste interesting articles that I find significant. Most of the stuff I write in my diaries is boring piffle, but it's a record of my life and my thoughts as I saw fit to write down.

northern musings said...

Totally in agreement with you Judith and Maja - reading back old diaries is a hoot....