
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can. ~Danny Kaye

Today was a busy day, tax return time at work and meetings on the increase in the town council stuff, today was work, lunch time meeting at the council, more work and a council meeting at 4.  

I did the tax return for one of my clients today and phoned to say it was ready for him to come and sign.  He wasn't home,so I left a message with the guy that answered the phone, just as I was getting ready to leave for my meeting I heard him coming up the stairs.  He was there with a younger person I had never seen before - his daughter.

He is a farmer that has worked hard, has a good farm and is one of the nicest of my clients.  I know everything about his expenses... he gives me every receipt, so I feel as if I know him well, although I only see him maybe three times a year.  Anyway, today when he came in he told me his wife had died yesterday, so she wouldn't be there to sign the return.  I felt a blow to my heart, I could see straight away that he was quite distraught.  All I could do was give him a hug and offer my condolences and then take the time to listen... I had met his wife as often as I met him - three times a year.  She was always quite jolly - they are what you would imagine the "salt of the earth" type people to be.   It was so sad, he talked about the fact that he was there when she died and how he held her hand and could feel her press his in return.  I was almost blubbering... have tears in my eyes now.  To have a love like that is so special, something to be treasured and is so nice to witness - it gives one hope.  To him I send all my love and respect.  To her I send my greatest respect and admiration for having found and had a love so strong.  

The council meeting afterwards was ok, but the reality of life and death makes you realise that the blah blah blah of politics is meaningless if you don't have love and respect for you fellow man as your ultimate priority.

Enjoy life people - you may never know when you don't have it anymore.


Unnur said...

My God, you had me blubbering. What a lovely love story. Hey, hang in there for those meetings, they need you!!!!!

Northern musings said...

Don´t know about them needing me but I am learning an awful lot about rubbish