
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Much good work is lost for the lack of a little more. ~Edward H. Harriman

This is so descriptive of today, I tried so hard to do some work, but to no effect.   A break before ten to go to a meeting which finished at lunch, lunch with mum and then back to work to try and finish some returns, I just couldn't concentrate... not good, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Wednesday is the day that mum gets a visit from the Jehovah's Witness from Akureyri, I have been sort of tolerant of this, but always worried - as mum says - she is always continually searching for God.  I thought she found Him years ago, but for some reason she feels that she is still wanting in some way.  I haven't worked out what it is.  Tonight just before she left she said that the pressure was on... that she has to give up the state church and be buried from the temple in Akureyri - here at least mum said that she would not agree to that - she wants to be buried from her church here in S'krók.    Why do religions have to be so divisive - why can't they accept and just discuss and have discourse - why does one have to be better or more right than the other?  I think that this is why I don't practice my religion, although I have never found the Lutheran church to be divisive or telling people what to do and how to live their lives... I don't know... need to find a way to get mum back into the general groove of the local church and perhaps I should go with her more often - but religion is a personal thing and you shouldn't need people with you to me it has always been between the individual and the God/spirit/science or whatever they believe in - the important thing is to be tolerant and to allow different ideas and beliefs and give respect.

AAAHHHHHH  ranting - must stop.  You can tell this is the second to last day.....

To my siblings reading this DON'T panic, she hasn't turned - well not yet anyway - she is getting older and she needs us all more than ever, just to know that she is a good person and has lived a good life and has done the best that she could.  She is by no means perfect, but I think she thinks that she has failed us all in one way or another and perhaps this is why she is always looking for some sort of forgiveness and that she will make it to heaven and to her God.  This is just my speculation - and sorry for putting it out their for every man and his dog to read, but this is something I can't deal with on my own.  I was thinking about editing this all out - I still can... but I won't....  I just don't know what to do.  

Still ranting... must stop... but have verbal diarrhea ....

So tomorrow is the last day of this daily posting thing.... am sure that we are all glad that this month in my life is over............

and to end on a better quote

All religions must be tolerated... for... every man must get to heaven his own way.  ~Frederick the Great


judith said...

AMEN Sistah!!!! And my favorite religious quote would be "if Jesus was here, I'd still be drinking beer and we'd be saving all my friends." I agree, I can't deal with the religion competition. I grew up a Crazy Methodist and I'm not really a 'practicing' anything right now. I am really drawn to the Buddhist though, they are so calm and tolerant. I think your mom needs some reassurance that she did her 'job' as a wife and mother was done correctly... maybe you and the siblings need to thank her for raising you all so well.

Unnur said...

I'll miss your daily blogs. I think mum will be okay, she enjoys the one on one with the nice ladies and Atlas.But I'm pretty confident she won't join them. She is still loyal to dad's wishes on burial etc and will want to be in Saudarkrokur. I think she's a tad disappointed in Iceland's church's past history. Plus she likes to comment on today's society as all older people do and the witnesses have some radical views.

KH said...

"why can't they accept and just discuss and have discourse"...

Because when people are discussing firm beliefs that aren't based on any real world evidence (which is pretty much the definition of the word 'faith'), there's not anything to discuss. There's no way to settle arguments, because both sides are convinced they're right, and both sides' faith-based arguments (by definition) are unfalsifiable.

I mean, people can believe what they want. But to expect other people to be swayed by religious arguments based on nothing but faith is a recipe for disappointment.

Johanna said...

Æi Sigga mín... you should not have to go through this alone - it´s difficult to watch you parents change as they get older - tell your siblings to participate -and you know that I´m just around the corner - if you need someone to lean on..
I hate those religious groups that try to tell you that er is only ONE way to find you God - your religion is between you and your God - and one should respect other peoples believes...
Your mom is a good person, that did all she could and knew how - but she is serching for something...
Call me Sigga min if you need someone to talk to - love ya like my sister you know...;°)..

Northern musings said...

Thanks guys, and Kristinn, you are so right, such a frustrating thing. Unnur you are probably right too about mum, she will be buried next to dad, something that I think she will never change and that means that she will never be a part of them. We had a good talk at lunch and I think she is ok, but I still worry. Judith, I like that quote... me and JC would have a good time in discussion and discourse and in total agreement with Budism... they aren't looking for eternal life - they look for enlightenment - makes so much more sense. Jóhanna - you are a rock - and I think have more than enough to cope with at the moment - but boy am I glad that you are here! I need to be more active and make it as far as your place with the dog... time for coffee and a good chat! Love you all heaps - and thanks again!