
Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets. ~Arthur Miller

Ok... so lets see how this goes, I have taken up the gauntlet thrown down by Olga and will try to write something everyday in this month of March..... like most of my diaries and calenders I think that it will last - well maybe a week.

So todays quote is the result of a conversation I had with mum after dinner tonight, it's one we have had on and off for over 25 years... why did my parents move to Australia and was it the wrong decision.

I remember the first time that this came up in conversation.  I was in the back seat of the car on the way home from my sister and brother in laws' place in Padbury, a place that was then on the farthest NW outskirts of Perth, it was over an hours drive from their place to ours so often there were a lot of philosophical discussions about this that and the other.  I used to tune out most of the time - but on this occasion as we were approaching Wanneroo rd I remember dad saying to mum " did I do the wrong thing making us coming here?"  I think I was about 14 years of age, this question from dad came as a bit of a surprise, as we never really discussed this - well I hadn't been aware of this being discussed before.  I think that mum was like dad - maybe missing Iceland and feeling that life might have been different for us if we had never gone to Perth.  One of my brothers was in the army living on the east coast, the other had worked in a factory from the time we arrived and was married, studying and working hard, my sister and her husband were probably struggling to make ends meet... me I was a painful youngest child in the early stages of teenage angst and probably always gave them a hard time with my set ideas about finishing high school and going back to Iceland....  

I remember feeling that this was wrong - they should not be having regrets about the move... life was good, my siblings were all happily married - doing their best to make a life for themselves, yeh sure I was a pain and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life (apart from finishing high school and going to Iceland)... so my basic reaction was to say - Well... had we never left Iceland you know that I would be a single teenage mum. Yep, I was convinced that had we stayed in S'krók I would have had a child before the age of 16, why? no idea, it was just the way that I viewed Icelanders of my age and how I would have fitted in.  I am so grateful for the fact that my parents were as courageous as they were, moving to the other side of the world, not speaking english and basically going out into the unknown.  Mum said that she didn't think it was courage - more stupidity - I don't buy into that.

Tonights conversation ended up revolving around the fact that had they not moved to Australia the beautiful people that are my nieces and nephews may never have existed.. which to me would have been a major tragedy...  Life is what life is - one should never have regrets or if you have to have regrets (which, again, I don't believe anyone should) then hope that they are the right regrets....  Maybe I regret not being a teenage mum - but I reckon I make a better aunt than mother.


judith said...

Like I tell my kids, everything happens for a reason. My own sister chose not to have kids of her own. She doesn't regret this and neither do her nieces and nephew, they think she's the most awesome Aunt in the world. As I'm sure you are too.

Maja said...

When i went to live in Iceland for those couple of years it was to see if I was more icelandic than australian, but as great as iceland was, my time there really cemented in my head the fact that your parents and my mum's parents migrated to Australia for a better life for their kids. There are a lot more opportunties for us in auatralia than in iceland, so we get to enjoy them while at the same time having the choice to go to Iceland whenever we want.

In the end i choose australia because no matter how you look at it, i am more australian than icelandic, but there are tonnes more jobs for geologists here, as opposed to practically none there.

Moving to another country is such a huge deal, and there are always hard times associated with it, but in the end you do it because it's worth it.

And yes, you are the best aunt!

olga said...

Yup, best aunt seconded!

Great post, it's weird when you realise that your parents have doubts about things... They're not the all-knowing guys you thought they were.

But yeah, I'm glad they went, too - how different (or non existent?) our lives would be!

And Maja, I think I'm with you, I still don't think I'll ever be 100% Icelandic, but I do love having it as part of my life.

judith said...

Awesome Aunts are just that... AWESOME!!!! I had some of my own and I hope that my one and only niece thinks I'm awesome too. I know I'm the only aunt who would be willing to get a tattoo with her.

northern musings said...

Now I feel a tad bad - it's like I was fishing for compliments - and obviously sub consciously I was.... ooopppps

Unnur said...

Hey, Life is what it was meant to be . Love you lots. Thanks for looking after HOR. See you in June!!!